Evangelist Bill Prankard
During one of the days, I went to my room to rest and said to the Lord, “I just need 5 minutes with you,” and I closed my eyes. The Lord broke through my stillness and spoke “The Great Canadian Harvest”. Suddenly, I saw a flash of combines plow one field, then another, then another. I said, “If that’s You, Lord, confirm Your voice.” The next day at lunch,the Lord set up a Holy Spirit surprise. I sat down at my table, and what did I see? A
bottle of Heinz ketchup labeled in big green letters ”
THE CANADIAN HARVEST!” I felt the hand of the Lord press my soul as He said, “I know how to take a Canadian to Africa to speak to them about their OWN
nation. I brought you here to show you how to mobilize your nation and to see what’s possible! “Suddenly, I understood the combines on the field. Canadian Proclamation Evangelists clearing fields as comrades to see Canada saved! Combine Harvesters for Jesus!
Since then we have trained over 60 preachers and seen well over 650 people trained in evangelism and over 3400 Canadian souls saved. This is not just for Africa, the gospel works in Canada because it’s God’s power to save!
Evangelist Bill Prankard
Evangelist Tyrelle Smith
Evangelist Adam Shepski
Gabriel Jackson
Evangelist Danny MacKay
Evangelist Jacob Walda